UpcomingΒ Meetings Of The St Paisios Brotherhood
Our next meeting will be...
Fr Hans Jacobse
"Repentance: Curing Our Cultural Contagion"
Are our views of repentance truly Orthodox?
Join us

Our Meeting Hosts Include:

Fr Hans Jacobse - Bio

Fr Michael Butler - Bio

Fr Stephen Lourie - Bio
Other Resources For The Brotherhood

Join Our Telegram Group
Where men gather to support one another in what is most important to each of us.
Meet men who have extensive experience in supporting men in becoming the men they are destined to become.
Meet the brothers here, now!

Book Study With Fr Stephen
In our weekly gathering of men we are currently discussing this book, Thinking Orthodox.
What does it mean to "think Orthodox"? What are the unspoken and unexplored premises and presumptions underlying what Christians believe? Orthodox Christianity is based on preserving the mind of the early Church, its phronema.Β

Akathist to St Paisios
Join us in our weekly akathist to St Paisios.
Send us the names you would like us to include in the prayers.

Articles, Videos and Other Materials
Visit our blog and find inspiration, education, encouragement and hope.
We post scholarly articles, videos, audio and much more.
This is constantly growing. Check back here for valuable insight into battling the cultural forces that are affecting you and those you care about.